We are constantly looking for Talents with a passion to promote Quality of Technical Education. We are looking for you, if you are passinate about Education.Join as institute that walks the talk about Quality Education to transform the Educational Landscape in Odisha. Faculty enjoys desired liberty to pursue Academic Excellence, Promote Research and Quality Education. Non-Teaching Staff similarly play a pivotal role to enable Academic Excellence in the Institute via their leadership qualities and work ethics. End of the day we are a "performance" based Organization with a singular mission to promote Quality in Technical Education Eco-system. The AIIT Qualification is recognised by all State Govt., Union Territories, Central Govt. Public & Private Sector, UPSC & OPSC and Banking, Insurance Sectors in all National- Multinational Companies for employment at appropriate levels. The Certificates are accepted by global affiliation helps getting the jobs abroad. AIIT also helps the students with career counseling and Placement cells and Placement Officers works to fulfill the purpose & provide the job opportunity, 100% job satisfaction Guaranteed.