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Dear Students,
Welcome to our AIIT, Thank you for the interest you have shown.
It is the conductive environment and ambient atmosphere which makes a man to grow and becomes successful consisting with firm or sound mentality, perseverance and diligence followed with strong determination. To formulate success, everyone requires a leader where s/he would show and inspire to grow with success making the path smooth and planned manner. So as a wholesome, it can be said that there should be a conducive and healthy living society which would propel a learner to grow and develop by own self with an orientation in the field of education. This gradual orientation and sound mind would further create an efficient growth and also aids to develop an educative society irrespectively through learners learning process.
A learner’s self-expression, freedom of liberal thinking and verbosity followed with rational ideas and original creativeness/creativity, would attain an effective reason and valuable statement. A Non-stoicism mind, Non-discrimination in thoughts and ideas would also aid to incite highly spiritual incisive mind subsequently followed with tranquility.
This institute be it from any range of field of educational programme, provides support to learners under one roof in an Open Interactive Distance Mode under Single Window Information System, with best possible means of delivery. The institute mission is not only to develop culture oriented platform, but also to inspire, influence and truly enlighten own self in a healthy manner. AIIT’s aim is to provide the true and purified manner of educational system helping the learners to build the holy essence of humanism. It also aims to enable the learners to identify inner self with gradual progression fortified by moral consciousness, self-awaking and passionate mind for learning.
Through this open distance mode and keeping in touch with the learner’s communication directly, the center would provide all means of support in all round development targeting the vision to realize the learner’s dreams.
The mission of the institute is not to generate the brand name to retain in the body and mind of the human but a perfect temple of purified-ideal learning. The institute is pointing to springs out a study flows with natural means followed with the path of enlightenment, to foster the needs of the learners and also to inspire minds for our future generations in India.
AIIT: Believes in the principle that High Quality Human Resource is the greatest asset of an Education & Training Organization. To put it in a nutshell, it is a model professionally managed company.
As the Chinese philosopher Lao-tzu said: ‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’. You have taken that step already… We are proud to present you with your personal copy of the prospectus - so you can start planning about your IT career right now.
Best of Luck . . .
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